Pharmaceutical Litigation

George Bush Law Firm handles pharmaceutical litigation law claims

Many product liability claims are against prescribed pharmaceuticals that injure patients with side effects that the manufacturer, pharmacists or prescribing physician fail to warn.


When we pick up a prescription from our pharmacist, we take it for granted the prescription has been filled correctly and the bottle properly labeled. Unfortunately, in the U.S., thousands of people are seriously injured or killed every year due to misfiled prescriptions and other pharmaceutical errors.


For any injury by a pharmaceutical drug there may be a defective product claim similar to other such claims. There are three categories of pharmaceutical liability claims.


– Claims for defective manufacture

– Claims for unreasonably dangerous side effects

– Claims for improper marketing


Prescription drugs are highly beneficial for treatment of medical problems yet seriously harmful to patients susceptible to injury from their side effects. For any illness or injury caused by any type of prescription medication, the experienced pharmaceutical litigation Attorney George Bush can help!


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Contact George Bush Law to help in your pharmaceutical litigation case

George Bush Law has the experience and resources needed to handle pharmaceutical error injury and wrongful death cases that require extensive investigation, expert witnesses and knowledge of the pharmacy industry. If someone you love has been injured, become ill or died as a result of pharmaceutical error, please contact George Bush Law.

CALL US - 706-722-1200